"A pilgrim (lat. peregrinus) is one who undertakes a pilgrimage, literally 'far afield'.
This is traditionally a visit to a place of some religious or historic significance; often a considerable distance is traveled." Wikpedia - Pilgrim
Sipping 4 You
We are humble wine pilgrims - sipping for fun. We are not professionals, nor are we affiliated with any winery, store or government agency. This site is a collection of our musings, and reminisces.
"What though youth gave love and roses, age still leaves us friends and wine."
- Thomas More
"Love, with very young people, is a heartless business. We drink at that age from thirst, or to get drunk; it is only later in life that we occupy ourselves with the individuality of our wine."
- Isak Dinesen
Australia 2010

Pilgrim J. and Pilgrim C. are back from a successful swirl around Australia thanks to the prize they won at the AWS
(Australian Wine Society of Toronto) Australia Day dinner on January 26th, 2010.

The trip went off with nary a hitch and we had a great adventure taking exclusive tours of wineries in Hunter Valley, Barossa Valley, McLaren Vale, Clare Valley and Yarra Valley, interspersed with visits to zoos, wildlife parks/sanctuaries, aquariums and botanic gardens along the way. They are now sorting through the more than 6 thousand photos and their trip diaries. Updates will appear soon!

Aussie Wine Terms
cellar door = winery store
carton = case
chardies = chardonnay(s)


Pilgrims' Definition
Drinking low grade wine.
(Not to be confused with low priced wine.)


The Pilgrims' Quote
"There was enough distinction between the two that I couldn't tell the difference."
- John Macdonald - Cellarmaster AWS